世界音乐之旅系列 加洲花园 California garden[320K/MP3]

01.从南加州的馨香中醒来Wake up from the fragrance
02.轻轻抽出我的手Take out my hand lightly
03.繁花过后Afer the blossom
04.与美丽纠缠Get entangled in beauty
05.五月熏香的风The warm breeze in may
06.孤独的爱人The lonely lover
07.错过Miss it
08.深情之吻Deep kiss
09.悬崖菊The chrysanthemum cliff
10.蝴蝶组曲The butterfly suite
11.无暇的回忆The pure memory
12.快乐天堂Joy to joy
13.加洲阳光The sunshine in california
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
本帖最后由 xiaoniu 于 2007-2-16 01:36 PM 编辑 ]